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ASUS Padfone Mini 7-inch Tablet and 4.3-inch Smartphone Combo Starts in Taiwan

A smaller alternative to the existing Padfone Infinity - line, which CEO Jerry Shen told U.S. reach - it combines a 4.3-inch phone with a 7 -inch tablet dock

ASUS Padfone
A smaller alternative to the existing Padfone Infinity - line, which CEO Jerry Shen told U.S. reach - it combines a 4.3-inch phone with a 7 -inch tablet dock . Confirming the leaked details, the packing 1.4GHz quad -core Snapdragon MSM8226 processor and 1GB of RAM inside, with a 960 x 540 screen phone and a 1280 x 800 resolution panel of your tablet. It has 16GB of storage and a microSD slot for expansion, with the Android 4.3 software on board plus a 1500 mAh and 2200 mAh battery in the phone and tablet, respectively.

Shen said, there are also a number of specific improvements, such as Hi -Light Owl Mode and high -speed continuous shooting aboard . Specifications is to resign high-end Infinity series, but as a result of the ASUS can offer both part of the off- contract price of NT $ 11.990 ($ 405). This one is planning to release only in China, Russia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia, but its unique combination of portability and price to make it worth bringing to the United States as well.



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Gadgets Corner : ASUS Padfone Mini 7-inch Tablet and 4.3-inch Smartphone Combo Starts in Taiwan
ASUS Padfone Mini 7-inch Tablet and 4.3-inch Smartphone Combo Starts in Taiwan
A smaller alternative to the existing Padfone Infinity - line, which CEO Jerry Shen told U.S. reach - it combines a 4.3-inch phone with a 7 -inch tablet dock
Gadgets Corner
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