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Microsoft Updates Bing For Android Adds New User Interface.

Microsoft really wants to spend your money on a Windows Phone, but that does not mean ignoring your company competition.

Android Bing
Microsoft really wants to spend your money on a Windows Phone, but that does not mean ignoring your company competition. In fact, she spends a lot of time and energy designing apps rivals iPhone and Android. Clients Google’s mobile operating system can get services such as SkyDrive, Bing , Office 365 and OneNote for their phones and tablets.

Now Microsoft has long been a major update of the Bing app for Android. Version, which is compatible with Android 2.2 and higher, provides capabilities that were once the exclusive Windows Phone. Users can now choose to use Bing as the Day image for your device wallpaper. The image will automatically update every day, bringing added interest to your phone or tablet.

The big draw however is
completely redesigned user interface. Maybe no one's surprise, the new design is more metro look to it. Page is shifting images and each image allows the user to view comments, much as you can from Flickr. This is considerably seems to have improved over the old User Interface.

Bing for Android is more than just a search engine. This is more of Microsoft applications, including maps. Users can also directly change things through Facebook and even sync with SkyDrive. You can even add the Bing search widget for Android home screen. The app is free.



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Gadgets Corner : Microsoft Updates Bing For Android Adds New User Interface.
Microsoft Updates Bing For Android Adds New User Interface.
Microsoft really wants to spend your money on a Windows Phone, but that does not mean ignoring your company competition.
Gadgets Corner
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