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Microsoft Bing Rewards Program for iOS and Android Users

Earn rewards to search the web is pretty cool, and that is exactly what is available through the Bing Rewards. Find something you're in...

Earn rewards to search the web is pretty cool, and that is exactly what is available through the Bing Rewards. Find something you're interested in, and you can earn credits that can be issued for all manner of things. Now Microsoft has taken a rewards program for mobile phones allowing iOS and Android users to benefit from the benefits of Bing rewards using their mobile phones and tablets.

Bing Rewards Program

Bing Rewards works just as well on mobile devices as it does on the desktop platform: simply look for and earn. There a chance to earn additional credits through mobile search, and typically a unique program interface makes it easy to keep track of how your credits combined.

But there is something more. Also earn credits on your cell phone, you can also redeem them when you’re out and about - as you earn digital credits, you can expend them through your phone or tablet. This feature has not expanded, but it is in the pipeline.

Bing Rewards is currently available iOS and Android, and Windows Phone users will wait little longer.



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Gadgets Corner : Microsoft Bing Rewards Program for iOS and Android Users
Microsoft Bing Rewards Program for iOS and Android Users
Gadgets Corner
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