Apple on Friday released the latest version of its mobile and tablet software, iOS 7.0.6, which is the SSL connection issue fixed. Carries a build number 11b651 is as over -the -air -update and weighs 35.4MB on the iPhone 5s.
Apple on Friday
released the latest version of its mobile and tablet software, iOS 7.0.6, which
is the SSL connection issue fixed. Carries a build number 11b651 is as over
-the -air -update and weighs 35.4MB on the iPhone 5s. The downside was enough for
Apple release an update sooner rather than later - another multiple, known as
iOS 7.1, which is now in the hands of developers, is expected to land on iPhone
and iPad mid -March.
Friday's update comes
about three weeks after the company released iOS 7.0.5, which was only
available to a few China-based devices affected by a network provisioning fix.
Apple also released an
update of its older platform, iOS 6.1.6, iPhone 3GS Smartphone and iPod touch. The
update is recommended to use a Wi - Fi connection to download over -the -air
software, ranging from 16 MB to about 35MB in size.