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Samsung's New Screen Sharing, Dual Screen Feature Monitors With a Billion-Color, 3840 X 2160 Screens

Samsung has shown us GS5, Gear 2 smartwatch and his latest Chromebook, it's time for the company’s less- known product of the team come...

Samsung has shown us GS5, Gear 2 smartwatch and his latest Chromebook, it's time for the company’s less- known product of the team come from a tree. Next up: screen sharing, which today unveiled three new models in 2014, including one with a billion colors, 3840 x 2160 screens. It would be a beaut you see above, 28 - inch UD590, Which is the pre -order for $ 700. Moreover, as the beautiful display, it Picture -in - Picture, with no resolution worse as you move into a smaller frame.
Dual Screen Feature

Also dual screen feature called Picture after picture that could theoretically use a split - screen game, Even though it was not really designed for creative pros in mind. Design -wise , it's fashioned from metal, with a thin bezel and T - shaped stand , Which leaves room for speakers and other items you can have your own table . Approximately half, you'll find a DisplayPort, along with two HDMI 1.4 ports Brought 4k.

In addition, Samsung has Announced two other monitors: SD390 and SD590 everyone who comes in 23.6 - and 27 - inch screen size. During all monitors have a resolution of 1080p, the main difference is the UD390 That uses the same Touch of Color accents That Samsung Introduced its first line of the television a few years ago. In this case, it Means that the emerald - colored accents and a translucent neck, if the other black box is just too simple for your taste.

These models SD390 has one HDMI and one VGA port member, and start at $ 250 to $ 310, when they arrive in April. Meanwhile, the SD590 Adds an extra HDMI port and features the same space- saving rack - T is used to represent the model. It will cost you over $ 270 or $ 330, Depending on whether you get a 23.6 or 27 - inch version. 



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Gadgets Corner : Samsung's New Screen Sharing, Dual Screen Feature Monitors With a Billion-Color, 3840 X 2160 Screens
Samsung's New Screen Sharing, Dual Screen Feature Monitors With a Billion-Color, 3840 X 2160 Screens
Gadgets Corner
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