Apple Introduced the iPhone 5C with its flagship phone, the iPhone 5S, in October last year. Apple iPhone 5C is the same 4 - inch retina display iPhone 5 and saw nearly identical inside including Apple A6 chipset, 8MP rear camera with flash and a 1.2MP front- facing camera. Outside, but it sports a polycarbonate shell and five color variations glossy.
Apple launched the
iPhone 5C with 8GB memory option India. While the phone MRP Rs. 37,500 but
Apple offers cash rebate Rs 4,000. The phone has been launched in the UK £ 429
in March. This reduces the cost of the phone Rs. 33,500. Apple also provides a
case worth Rs 2000 with the phone. But Apple announces that it is a limited
time offer. Although the duration of the proposal was not disclosed, we expect
the company continue to discount to increase the phone sales.
Apple Introduced the
iPhone 5C with its flagship phone, the iPhone 5S, in October last year. Apple
iPhone 5C is the same 4 - inch retina display iPhone 5 and saw nearly identical
inside including Apple A6 chipset, 8MP rear camera with flash and a 1.2MP
front- facing camera. Outside, but it sports a polycarbonate shell and five
color variations glossy.
By the way, this is not
the first time Apple that offers little storage version of its smartphone
reduced price. Previously, it Introduced the iPhone 4 8GB versions and the
iPhone 4S in India. Some recent reports said that Apple has a lot of unsold
units 5C iPhone in its inventory, Which it was forced to enter the 8GB version
of the handset.